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This week I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award – twice!

Okoto Enigma is the creator of this award.

I’d like to thank Sarah over on The Old Shelter and Cathy over on Curious as a Cathy for liking my blog so much.

Check out the morning slice of moon from Cathy’s blog – enough to inspire a story, isn’t it?

I know there are quite a few bloggers out there who do not participate in blog awards, but though it’s a lot like a schoolyard chain letter, blog awards remind us that our work is appreciated by other bloggers who know how much work goes into blogging. And it’s fun.

Now to the rules:

Rule 1:  Put the award logo/image on your blog. (Done.)

Rule 2:  List the rules. (Done.)

Rule 3:  Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Done.)

Rule 4:  Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. (Done.)

Rule 5:  Tell your readers three things about yourself.

  1. I am owned by two Rottweilers – Callum and Antonio.
  2. I like sewing – though I don’t usually stick to the pattern (so boring) and I like to use unusual textures together.
  3. I am part of the Red Hat Society (fun, friendship and dressing up).

Rule 6:  You have to nominate a bunch of people (some say 5 others say 20).

  1. Trisha from Writer’s Zen Blog.
  2. Andrea from Into the Writer Lea.
  3. Sara C Snider.
  4. Juneta from the Writer’s Gambit.
  5. Lyndsay of Lyndsay’s Book Blog.
  6. Debbie Johansson.
  7. Morgan S Hazelwood.

Rule 7:  Notify your nominees. (Done.)

Rule 8:  Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, one weird or funny question.

  1. Who is your favourite author and why?
  2. What are you reading right now? Would you recommend it?
  3. How long have you been blogging?
  4. Which four fictional characters would you invite to a dinner party and why?
  5. What would your supervillain name be?

Rule 9: Share a link to your best post.

Well, that’s hard. I like most all of my posts.

For folklore, I’d say Sea Nymphs and Sea Witches

For writing, maybe An Old Story, New Knowledge and a Bit of Magic

Though there’s a lot more under the various categories, so check them out and tell me what you think.

Now to answer Sarah and Cathy’s questions.

Sarah’s 5 questions:

  1. People (especially readers) always dream about being in different place. What is a place (an actual place, a fantasy world or a different historical period) you’d rather live?

Mm… I think I’d live in Julie Kagawa’s Wyldwood.

  1. What do you like most about that place, why would you prefer it to the place where you actually live?

Well, it’s a part of Faerie. It’s unpredictable, not ruled by anyone – it’s wild. And if your neighbours burn their rubbish, you can feed them to a Kelpie…

  1. You’re aware no place is an absolute paradise, don’t you? What do you hate about that place you’ve chosen?

It’s dark for the most part and time has no meaning. Oh, and there’s no cell reception… though that can be a bonus 😉

  1. If you could build your own perfect world, what author would you ask to worldbuild it?

Rick Riordan. His world-building is superb.

  1. If you could be the hero of a story, what genre would that story be?

Fantasy, obviously. I can have cool powers, the fate of the world on my shoulders and I’ll stay young forever. Mm… immortality through being a character.

Cathy’s 5 questions:

  1. Where’s the strangest place you been?

Strange, creepy and kind of cool? The Donker Gat (dark hole) – a windowless dungeon that served as a torture chamber in centuries past. The Castle of Good Hope is even rumoured to be haunted. Such dark history that lies at the tip of the African continent…

  1. Do you have any naval fuzz or toe jam?

Please! *scoffs* I have a thing about germs… Would you ask Sheldon Cooper this question?

  1. Based on your pant size, what’s your IQ? (Intelligence Guide:   0 or smaller = “dumb blonde who cares if you’re a brunette”,   2-4  = “I don’t understand the question”   6-8 = “Getting by” 1  0-12 = “Smarty Pants”   14 -up = “Extraterrestrial” or   no answer = “I’m either too embarrassed to announce to the world how little I know or I’m far too modest to boast how smart I am”?


  1. What’s the dumbest thing you ever did?

Ride on a motorcycle.

  1. What’s the smartest thing you’ve done?

Invest in my writing. (Books, courses, etc.)

Now that you know even more about me than you did last week, you can go ahead and read more of my posts and stories. Your supreme empress has spoken. Mwa-ha-ha.

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